Misz Lily
Hi ! My names Lily a.k.a MiszLiLy. I was born and raised in Willimantic CT . I Am Puerto Rican, 32 yrs old , and I’m a full time mommy with a passion for piercing. I started my piercing journey 7 years ago right here at Eminence Ink. Thanks to my mentor Fame Montalvo whom taught me everything I know today, it’s been a rough tide but I can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing it’s made me grow as a person as a woman and as a mother . Before Eminence I was delivering furniture for a furniture rental place workin 65 hours a week I hated my job and I was never able to spend time with my kid, Millz Marley is the owner at Eminence Ink and we have been friends for over 14 years thanks to her I started this journey and have never looked backed I Love what I do and when you love what you do you don’t have to work a day in you’re life ! Take the risk !!! If you want it go for it !!! In My Bosses Words “Shit If He Can Do It , I Can Do It !!” - Fame
Tuesday: 10-7
Wednesday: 10-4
Thursday: 10-4
Friday: 11-7
Saturday: 11-7
Sunday-Monday: Appointments Only